(Big) Update!

You’re looking at the new Deputy Editor of Magnolia Journal.

I still can’t believe I get to say that. 

My favorite things about Magnolia are wrapped up in this beautiful magazine, and getting to collaborate with great minds and talents to craft it into being is the opportunity of a lifetime. 

I’m so grateful my (huge) support system and to God for all the work He’s done in me to get me here. That growth and His presence are far greater rewards than any job… but I’ll gladly accept this one! It’s been a dream years in the making. 

If you’ve got a story to share, a voice you want to see lifted up, or just want to say hi, drop me a line. Just head here.

Let’s keep making a magazine to remember. 

New photos by one of my favorites, Ruthie Martin.


Magnolia Journal: Plant Lady


Magnolia: The Castle